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What is the reason why the brake is very soft when pressed

[Catalog:News] [Date:2023/3/30] [Hits:] [Return]

The brake pedal of a car is under the steering wheel. When the brake pedal is pressed, the brake lever is pressed and transmitted to the brake pad on the brake drum, blocking the brake wheel, thereby slowing down or stopping the car. So what's the reason why the brakes are so soft when pressed?

1. Reason for air ingress or blockage in the brake oil pipe: Air ingress or blockage in the brake system, where brake fluid is the transmission medium. If the oil pipe enters air, there will be insufficient brake fluid under high pressure. The brake oil pipe should be replaced.
2. Brake fluid ingress causes: Each time the brake pedal is depressed, the level of the brake fluid reservoir drops, and when the pedal is depressed, the level rises. The level sensor on the brake fluid reservoir is not completely sealed, and water vapor can enter the brake fluid through the gap between the sensor and the reservoir; Repair or replace the brake fluid in a timely manner.
3. Brake pump damage: Due to oil leakage from the brake pump, it is not possible to ensure that the brake system has sufficient oil pressure, resulting in soft braking of the vehicle; Repair or replace the brake pump in a timely manner.
4. Causes of brake pad wear: Brake pads are normal consumables. During natural wear, the thickness of the brake pads changes, causing brake oil to fill the piston stroke space, lengthening the braking distance, and naturally weakening the braking force; Replace the brake pads in a timely manner.
5. Material problem caused: The brake material is too soft, resulting in the vehicle braking becoming soft. The brake material needs to be replaced.
6. ABS sensor failure: The sensor circuit is loose, resulting in poor signal transmission, and the ABS sensor has poor contact, resulting in brake failure; The sensor should be repaired or replaced in a timely manner.
7. Brake system oil leakage: Brake oil is highly corrosive. Although the sealing rubber ring has resistance, it will age after long-term use, and the natural sealing effect will also decrease, resulting in oil leakage; Timely repair or replace the sealing rubber ring, etc.
8. Deterioration or prolonged use of brake oil: The brake oil has not been replaced for a long time. If the brake oil is not replaced in a timely manner, there are too many impurities and moisture in it, and it needs to be replaced in a timely manner.
It should be noted that many drivers like to lightly step on the brakes with their toes, but in emergency situations, they often fail to stop the car. This is because stepping on the brake pedal with your toes cannot instantly push the brake pedal to the bottom, and the most correct method of stepping on the brake should be to apply force from the toes to the soles of your feet.